Gemstone Of The Week: Blue Zircon

Gemstone: Blue Zircon

Hardness: 7-7.5

Birthstone Month: December

Blue Zircon is a gemstone mined in various regions including Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Australia. Known for its strong fire and sparkly appearance, Blue Zircon is a popular choice among gemstone enthusiasts. The vibrant blue hues and remarkable brilliance make it a standout option for those seeking a dazzling addition to their jewelry collection. Its origin from diverse locations adds to the allure of this gem, offering a unique touch to any piece it embellishes.

Zircon has long been associated with possessing special properties and bringing prosperity to those who wear it. Throughout history, during the Middle Ages in particular, zircon was believed to have the power to induce sound sleep, ward off evil spirits, and promote wealth, honor, and wisdom. These qualities have contributed to the enduring allure and symbolic significance of zircon.

Zircon’s blue hue is almost always the result of heat treatment, and comes in a range of colors that includes very slightly greenish blue, greenish blue, and very strongly greenish blue. While blue remains the dominant color, a range of options awaits designers and consumers. Besides colorless, other zircon colors are red, yellow, orange, brown, and green. 

 Zircons are relatively free of inclusions. But many untreated zircons have a cloudy or smoky appearance. In Victorian times, this smokiness made zircon a popular gem for mourning jewelry.

 Zircon requires special care and handling. It’s relatively soft at 7 to 7.5 on the Mohs scale. It can be brittle—and heat treatment can make it even more brittle. Careless handling can abrade crisp facet edges. In finished jewelry, zircon should be set so its edges are protected. Brooches, pendants, earrings, and pins are good choices.


Supplier of the Week: Samuel Sylvio


Designer Of The Week: Parle